Thursday, November 8, 2012 The ProMist of Registries

Have you ever cleaned your floors with a Vileda ProMist?  As a working mom of toddlers, it's my go-to, quick tool to clean my floors.  Sure mops are great, but in my fast-paced lifestyle, I want something quick.  Furthermore, I'm in love with the convenience, style and most of all, freedom to choose my preferred cleaner.

Like the ProMist, is a tool built on convenience.  It's my "modern day" form of a registry.  By registering a gift through WishGift, I eliminate limiting my options to a stores' inventory and save time by not having to scan the items.  For my guests, I eliminate gift guess-work and shopping.  And since everything's done online, it really is the quickest, simplest and smoothest gift-giving transaction.

WishGift is based on group-giving.  The idea is that a gift is registered as an option that guests can contribute towards.  To receive online contributions, Paypal is used however guests can pledge to contribute an amount by cash or cheque and the funds are given on the day of the event.  With the funds received, the gift is purchased.  Furthermore, since guests spend different amounts on gifts, WishGift allows any amount to be contributed.  We don't "suggest" a gift amount and respect that all dominations received is a valued gift.

Best part of WishGift is the freedom to choose!  My husband taught me that the best gift is buying someone something they wouldn't get themselves.  Although, that's true, they probably haven't bought it themselves because it's too expensive.  There are so many great gifts for children, some not even toys, but they often come with a high price tag.  WishGift allows for anything to be contributed towards leaving options like sport lessons, music lessons, instruments, RESPs etc.  We know that guests probably won't come empty handed so just imagine what can be purchased if everyone chipped in to a super special item...and that's a WishGift!

**So if I had a trendding blog with lots of readers this is where I'd offer the "Chance to Win a FREE ProMist" but since I'm new to blogging,  the best I can offer is a link to Vileda's $5.00 off coupon.  Hope you enjoy!!


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