I don't have decades of parenting experience but I've been a mom long enough to know what happens at holiday time (or birthdays). My children get showered with toys or books from family members and close friends! One year it was Mega Blocks (or cars) for my son and Barbies (or princesses) for my daughter. Although all given with the best intention, the toy and book collection is out of control. I'm lucky enough that my relatives and close friends understand that WishGift was founded to make things easier for all involved in the gifting process. For them, it eliminates knowing, searching and buying a gift. For us, it eliminates toy overload and wasted money from kids losing interest and never picking up the gift.
But when my mom let me know that she purchased a Barbie for my daughter, I thought "uh-oh"! It's not that my daughter and I dislike Barbie, it's that she has 15 dolls and I'm already cycling them to keep the excitement going of playing with a "new" doll.

Can't wait for this gift under the tree to be unwrapped!
** Shipped to my house, wrapped and ready thanks to www.mastermindtoys.com
(obviously quicker than I am given my bare tree)! Can't wait for them to
explore the LeapPad 2 :)
What's the best gift your kids ever received?
What's the best gift your kids ever received?
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